Ten on 10: Friday, October 14, 2022 This week on Ten on 10, Jake Pearson interviews an alumni who creates art. Plus SMACC homecoming hacks...
Tv-10 News: Friday, October 14, 2022 Bloomington-Normal’s one and only live newscast. With special guests Katherine Murphy and Kelly Lambert....
Alumni Anchors Tv-10 Alumni Katherine Murphy anchors with Jodarius Chirsty and taks about her career and how Tv-10 News helped...
TV-10 News: Thursday, October 13, 2022 TV-10 covers new numbers that show inflation is getting worse, a fire at a senior apartment building, a...
Inflation on the Rise The numbers keep going up, and local shoppers are reacting to growing inflation. TV-10’s Ryan Swanson reports....
ISU Homecoming: Space Jam A new location and a lot of fun for members of ISU’s Black Student Union, celebrating Homecoming. TV-10’s...