IBA Award Finalist TV-10’s all-woman talk show The Point is a finalist in the upcoming IBA Student Silver Dome Awards, in...
What Do I Do? The story of a local man who has faced several challenges is a finalist in the News Package...
IBA Award Finalist A show created in the Spring semester is now a finalist in the Longform Journalism Program category for...
A Farmer’s Fight Farmers are congregating at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur today, but one Central Illinois farmer has a...
IBA Student Silver Dome Finalist As new students learn and practice the various newscast positions this week, we celebrate that last year’s crew...
SportsZone TV-10 has several finalists in the 2019 IBA Student Silver Domes competition, including the SportsZone. Here’s the entry...
Little Slugger TV-10 work has been named a finalist in several categories for the upcoming IBA Student Silver Dome Awards. ...
Student Silver Domes Presented in Chicago A group of TV-10 students rode a bus to Chicago in September to attend the IBA-U event and...
Honored Alongside Boyd Huppert TV-10 students won awards at the Spring 2019 SINBA Convention, but were even more excited at the chance...
Doubled Up at the Emmys TV-10 doubled the number of Emmy nominations in 2018, with 4. Nominees attended the awards ceremony in Chicago...