Woman of the Week As ISU gets ready to say goodbye to its graduates, there’s another farewell in store for a special...
Save the Date The Point’s Mia Riddell offers some options that you might want to check out this weekend....
Redbird Recruit A local girl is loving her experience on the ISU Softball Team. TV-10’s Ali Rasper shares her...
Holocaust Walk Victims of the Holocaust were remembered Thursday night by an ISU Fraternity. TV-10’s Tommy Peters reports. ...
Amazing Race Some ISU students made the quad into a TV reality show on Thursday night. TV-10’s Hunter Thomas...
TV-10 News: Thursday, May 2, 2019 Local homeowners prepare for flooding and a local murder trial is in its final phases. Mike Smith...
Screen Time New statistics show how much time many of us are spending on screens. TV-10’s Connor Winter explains....