TV-10 News: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 TV-10 covers the latest on local COVID-19 cases, plus how Illinois State University is responding, and debuts a...
Who’s Ballin’ Now? A younger brother takes on his older brother’s legacy at TV-10. Check out the return of “Who’s Ballin’,...
Preparing for Fall TV-10 faculty and staff are preparing for the Fall Semester, by making changes in the Control Room and...
Student MVPs Announced Four students were selected as MVPs for their work at TV-10 over the last year. Seniors Mia Riddell...
Noticias en Espanol Plans are underway right now for another year of ISU news stories for Univision Chicago. Meanwhile, last year’s...
Alumni Scholarships TV-10 students are now benefiting from scholarships established by gracious alums. Arles Hendershott Love ’79 and Les Vann...
Two Headed to PAR Two recent TV-10 graduates have been accepted into the Public Affairs Reporting program at the University of Illinois-Springfield. ...
Her Dream: Reporting in Chicago Fulfilling a dream: Broadcast Hall of Famer, who didn’t speak English until her teenage years, is now a...
Outstanding Senior in Production TV-10’s 2020 Outstanding Senior in TV Production is Samantha Brinkman, a graduate who has already started working in...
Outstanding Senior in Journalism TV-10 has selected Diego Hernandez as the Outstanding Senior in Journalism for 2020. Diego completed four semesters in the...